NCSC (Australia) Administration

On this page are details of the National Cocker Spaniel Council (Australia) administration.

Not all meeting and minutes are listed. This page is work in progress.

2024 - April Agenda and papers Minutes and Reports

2023 - Agenda and Minutes

2022 - May Agenda and May Minutes, Nov Minutes

2021 - Agenda and Minutes

2020 - Agenda and Minutes

2019 - Agenda and Minutes

2018 - Agenda and Minutes

2013 - Agenda and Minutes

2012 - Agenda and Minutes

2011 - Agenda and Minutes


Approved Motions

2024 - Review of NCSC Constitution

2024 - Criteria for selection of National Reserve Judge

2023 - UK Judge selection for National Championship Shows

2022 - NCSC website

List of approved procedures as at June 2024


NCSC National Championship Show rotation roster up to 2036


NCSC (Australia) Website Reference Group

The National Cocker Spaniel Council (Australia) Website Reference Group was established in June 2023 and operates under agreed Terms of Reference.

The Reference Group will inform the ongoing development of the NCSC website. They will:

  1. Propose new content for the website.
  1. Assess proposed new ideas and content and determine suitability.
  1. Make decisions and decide on new content to be added to the website.

Membership includes the National President and Secretary, Website Administrator and representatives from each of the affiliated clubs in Qld, NSW, Vic and ACT. Other content experts as required.


If you have any questions about the website please contact the NCSC Secretary Mrs Jenny Hughes
Email: [email protected]